Back-to-School 2024-25
West Patent Elementary School, Welcome Back!
On behalf of WPES faculty and staff, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back to school! I hope you made beautiful memories this summer and are ready to continue learning. We can't wait to open the school doors for our first day on Tuesday, September 3rd. Please be sure to read Mrs. Morsi-Hogans letter here and the parent information booklet here. These contain important information regarding the upcoming school year.
Please check the ParentSquare App for your child(ren)'s teacher assignments.
Supply Lists 2024-25
If you did not pre-order your child's school supplies, please click on the link below to find your child's school supply list by grade level.
Monthly Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Breakfast costs $1.50 per meal and is available every morning from 8:45 am to 9:00 am.
Lunch costs $3.00 per meal. Water, milk and snacks can be purchased separately. Lunch is not offered on 1/2 days.
BCSD School Breakfast and Lunch Program information
MySchoolBucks: Parents, if you are tired of sending money daily for school meals, click here to read about MySchoolBucks and how to set-up accounts. With MySchoolBucks, you can manage your child's school lunch account online or via telephone.
Free and Reduced Priced Meals: Qualified students are eligible for free and reduced breakfast and lunch. A new application must be completed at the start of each school year. Click below for application:
2024-25 Application for Free & Reduced Meals English
2024-25 Application for Free & Reduced Meals Spanish
All forms must be returned to the student's school on the first day of school.
Demographic Forms
Each year we ask families to review and update their child's demographic information. This ensures that the school has the correct contact information for both day-to-day and emergency communications. Additionally, NYS requires the District to provide all families with information about certain regulations and topics annually. Please click the link below to log in to ParentVue. When prompted, please click on the icon labeled "2024-25 Demographic Update" and follow the instructions to review and make any changes to your child's information and to view the annual notices. This process must be completed for each child attending BCSD schools by August 30, 2024.
A Message From Nurse Reino
Please remember to submit a copy of your child(ren)'s latest physical exam.
Transportation & Day Care Forms
Transportation Letters containing student bus information were mailed to families on August 2nd. Please contact the Transportation Dept. or West Patent if you have any questions.
Click here to access the Transportation Department page for busing information and Board of Education policy.
If a student needs to be dropped off at a location other than your home address, or if a student may be met at the bus by an adult other than a parent/guardian, please complete and return the 2024-25 Alternate Stop/Drop-Off Authorization Form.
All forms must be returned to the student's school on the first day of school.
School Dismissal Manager
Important for 2024-25 Make sure you have the most current version of the SDM app installed on your phone.
Absences, late arrival, early dismissal, and changes to your child’s daily dismissal are managed via School Dismissal Manager (SDM). SDM is a web-based program that allows parents to schedule and update at the click of a button on a mobile device or computer. SDM replaces notes, emails and phone calls to the Front Office.
Absences and late arrivals must be entered before the school day starts. Dismissal changes must be entered into SDM before 1:45 pm (10:30 am on early dismissal days). Dismissal changes will NOT be accepted via phone, note or email.
WPESA (West Patent Elementary School Parent Association)
Click to read WPESA Steering Committee's Welcome Letter
WPESA Events Calendar 2024-25 - the calendar will be updated throughout the year